Viewing a travel destination not only in terms of what it is, but what it once was and has now become, can give us the perspective to fly above the crowds.
Don’t let go of the Wickelfisch
Even in today's overconnected world, there are pockets of society where unique technologies remain unique to the locale, and show no signs of fading away. The Wickelfisch is one of them.
Lost and found
One of the mildly endearing traits of a Midwest winter is the January thaw -- when the accumulation of several snowfalls momentarily reverses itself, teasing us with a head fake toward a still-distant spring. But as icy sidewalks begin to clear, what becomes of the items we've lost?
No room for cream, please
What's in that glass? An examination of what we're getting, and not getting, with the standard conical pint glass.
The year of the sycamore
Peace and procrastination under a prolific sycamore tree.
It’s a Solidago party
Canada goldenrod, also known as Solidago canadensis, turns many a meadow a brilliant yellow in the month of September -- and for millions of beneficial insects, it's the biggest party of the year.
If landscapers wrote children's books.
What’s going to happen to this 1870 schoolhouse?
Trapped in an eddy of corporate indifference, an empty schoolhouse remains forever at arm's length, taunting us as an eerie echo of the past -- and as a beautiful dream that just won't pencil out.
An ounce of prevention
“We must all be vaccinated,” Jean told Bill one morning. “What is being vaccinated?” asked Bill.
Memoirs of a black raspberry
Available for only two weeks of the year, the wild black raspberry remains true to its natural form, closely identified with the locale and seasonality of its natural range -- as a brief but faithful fixture of a forager's Midwest summer.